Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall Update

Fall Greetings!  Our Fall Semester is half over and here are a few updates and reminders.
1.        Halloween is Monday October 31, and I am planning on teaching lessons that evening.  If your children would like to participate in the Halloween festivities please let me know so we can make arrangements.
2.       The South Dakota Music Teachers Association (SDMTA) fall competitions will be held in Aberdeen, SD on Friday November 4 and Saturday November 5.  I will be travelling to Aberdeen to help with this event as a result there will be no lessons on those days.
3.       Thanksgiving break is scheduled for Tuesday November 22 through Saturday November 26.
4.       The Fall/Christmas Recitals are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday December 10 and 11.  We are in the process of choosing music.  If you have not done so already, please have your children bring any recent Christmas books that would be at their playing level.
5.       Poppler’s Music will be holding a music sale Friday October 28 and Saturday October 29.  Please send me a quick email if you would like some book recommendations for the sale.
6.       It is refreshing to see a renewed interest in the Piano Maestro iPad app.  Through weekly reports I see that my students have practiced over 50 hours with the app since the beginning of the semester.  This is a great way to practice 5 finger patterns, scales, and chords.  The kids enjoy the popular and holiday songs as well.  Great achievements are always cause for a celebration.  Congratulations to Briana and Abbie who have reached Level 100 in the app!